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2023-05-31 10:33:09浏览次数:0



The bar chart / column chart / line graph / table allows us to have a thorough understanding of   题干内容  . To be specific, people opting for   数据1  .  It constitutes a massive  xx%  , followed by those  数据2 (xx%)  . In contrast, fewer people choose to  数据3 (xx%) . Still, there are other purposes that constitute a mere    xx%  .

What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are  两个、三个 reasons.  First of all,   第一个原因 . More importantly,   第二个原因 . Most important of all,     三个原因  . 

From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. Undoubtedly, the tendency reflected from the chart will undergo a continuous increase/decrease in the near future if necessary measures are not taken.预测未来趋势.What we/our society can do is to  (号召个人或社会采取的措施) .


:具有主导性的数据可以用a massive+%来表示,10%以内非主导性数据可以用a mere+%的表达形式。



The chart above clearly demonstrates the number of  (题干内容) . We can find out that the number of   (题干内容)   had augmented dramatically, from  (数据1)  to  (数据2)  , while  (题干内容)  had increased slightly, from  (数据1)    to   (数据2)  .

There are several primary causes that contribute to this phenomenon. First and foremost, with the rapid development of social economy, enormous changes have taken place in peoples lifestyles, which offer more convenience on   (原因1)  . Secondly,   (原因2)  has taken up an increasing weight in our daily life, making it more important to   (题干现象) . Besides, in such a pluralistic society, peoples desires to  (原因3)   have also strengthened a lot, so this trend will possibly continue in the ensuing years.

From what has been mentioned above, its not difficult to figure out why this phenomenon occurs. From my perspective, the government and individuals should  (政府和个人采取的措施)   to enhance   (提高的方面)   and achieve long-term development of individuals and the whole society.

上一篇:择校择专|学科教学(英语)专业介绍下一篇:会计考研|暨南大学考情分析 原标题:考研英语作文丨大作文图表类模板汇总! 文章来源:https://www.scwanxue.cn/kyzx/beikaozhenti/kaoyanyingyu/1251.html
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